9 to 12 months is the time when you really need to stop blending food materials and start introducing table foods and other sold food materials to your little one. It is high time that you do that in order to help from the teeth. But solid food might also include Naga burger, which apparently will not be suitable for a gentle stomach. It is highly recommended that you know what and how to feed your child.
A nine to twelve months old baby is not too old to like too many types of foods. But, this is no more the time when you would happily feed her the formulas or fruit juices. This is the time that you feed your baby with something sweet and slightly spicy, slightly sour so that you get to know what healthy food he or she likes.
Whenever your munchkin refuses to have the usual meal you have been serving him or her since birth, what you need to do is that you need to try out several adult dishes with little uses of spices, especially chilies. Since their organs are still delicate, and also their immune system, you should be more than careful to avoid diseases like diarrhea, cholera, etc.
Spoon feeding is something to refuse at this early stage of life. So, until and unless the food is good enough to appease him or her taste buds, he or she will be happy to be independent even after being on a high chair to eat. So, it might be a tough job for you or for few other mothers to make their children or child happy.
This attempt of trial and error might be a little depressing for you mothers. But this is not at all impossible. But this shall not continue forever. It is very important that you provide your baby with the food that he or she likes. As long as he or she is having the balanced diet, there is no point in worrying for the menu chart or bar!
The best balance diet chart for a child of age nine to twelve months will be as such:
• Cereals
• Grains
Any fruit will do, but any berries are recommended because they are citrus, hence improves appetite.
• Eggs
• Chicken
• Any fish (any sort of sea fish is better to eat because they contain Omega 3 which uplifts immune system).
No use of soft cheese is better for twelve months. Only plain breastmilk will do the magic. Do not introduce cow milk before reaching 1 year.
Any vegetables work, bit citrus ones as tomatoes or watery ones like cucumbers are better off to go for.
What exactly to feed your child?
Make sure to realize that this is the time when your child’s taste bud is altering and that you got to experiment with all new flavors, which means usage of new spices. But make sure not to use chilly or any other flavor in extreme amount.
Noodle or pasta
Boil it till the point when you can mash it, but don’t. Add suitable vegetables to your dish, little oil and salt to taste. Done!
Meats or fish
Meat, fish, eggs, tofu, these all are food items which are rich in protein. Cook them along with few spices and a little drizzle of oil. That’s it!
The food particle should not remain way too solid as your baby might find it hard to bite, chew and swallow them. This might even lead to choking since the teeth are still not properly grown up. So, make sure to mash it slightly with the back side of your spoon while cooking. If needed, use the walls of the pot or container that you are using for cooking at the moment.
How much will your munchkin be able to intake?
Appetites of your child will vary at this phase. You place one plate of rice in front of him or her one day and you will find it ending up just in a jiff. The next day might just turn around in the opposite direction. It completely depends on the kiddo. But at the end of the day the tummy the child possesses is a tiny one, so yes, the amount devoured will be tiny too.
Breastfeeding Chart (Collected from the World Health Organization (WHO))
A baby who is of this age will obviously be breastfed. Till now in this article, I have mentioned about general items that a baby of this age is allowed to have and stay safe.
The aforementioned lists and everything is medically certified, so there is no need to worry much about believing in it, though the liability completely belongs to you. We want the betterment of your child, and we really hope that no food habit made by us becomes troublesome for you.
Suggested Daily “Milk” Intakes for Babies age 0 to 12 months
• 0-3 Months of age: Breastfeed every 1-3 hours or Formula 18-40 ounces
• 4-5 Months of age: Breastfeed every 2-4 hours or Formula 24-45 ounces
• 6-8 Months of age: Breastfeed every 3-4 hours or Formula 24-37 ounces
• 9-12 Months of age: Breastfeed every 4-5 hours or Formula 24-31 ounces
A lot thinks that cow milk is very general a type of drink. But, No! It is highly risky to provide the baby with anything as such due to certain nutrition or chemicals that the full cream cow milk might contain. This might cause severe indigestion or any other sort of health issue.
This is all that I had to write about the food habits of a child who is just nine to twelve years of age. Don’t feed too hard and turn them into bulging potatoes. Feed them well and in a wise way, take care of them, love them, adore them, please do not forget to take proper care of yourself, love yourself. Your child will have to be built by you only and by none. May you be the best parent in this World. Happy parenting!
Photo Credit: www.pexels.com
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