Organizing and Setting Up a Oneness-Decorating Station

Having a baby in a family is a very happening incident. My bestie is having one, so apparently, I am very much excited and really thought of sharing my ideas of celebrating a baby shower with all the about-to-be mothers and organizers out there.
I am really looking forward toward onesie decorating station. Onesie decorating station is what modern decoration system is like. At the very first place, I was left a little confused about the idea, but then I went on with it. It is completely our wish how to set things up, and if we want we can make it the best baby shower party ever, isn’t it?
Since the paint bullet thing is a bit messy, I decided to cancel it and go on with few other better ideas. I thought of taking assistance from the guests attending the baby shower.  Since gifting the child is already an existing ritual, I thought why not just ask the guests to make tiny cute and comfortable clothes for the baby?

Onesies might look too monotonous

You might keep the color and theme fixed for everything, but just do not make everything the Xerox copy of one another. The dresses should not be all of the same shape and size. Just that type color should be the same, otherwise, the baby will not be able to wear all. And along with dresses, we MUST also organize things like socks, baby shoes, feeders, lotions, baby oils, creams, diapers, formulas, shorts, etc. We should be setting everything up a way so that the baby can use the stuff for quite a long time.

Redoing Stuff

A lot of people prefer borrowing clothes from outsiders who have grown up children, who no more require those. I personally do not prefer this. There are several ways to save money so the child might be less costly. But, it is everyone’s personal choice, and however, you want it, if you are to borrow stuff, make sure to give them new dyes and all so that they look new too.


Since the color and the theme is fixed, the decoration would also be done accordingly. There will be balloons, party banners, slashes, ribbons, and small crowns and cards. Picture of the pregnant mum should also be attached in places and also the about-to-be dad. Nothing should be too fancy, but classy only.

Fabricating Fabric

The clothes chosen or bought should be made out of extremely comfortable fabric. The dye used to color borrowed clothes should be made out of few types of chemicals only so that it does not harm the baby under any unwanted circumstances. No skin irritation must occur.


We can custom make all the clothes and notes for wishing the bay and the mother. Stencils, such as watercolors, pencils, erasers, etc. could be provided to make the designs. Wishing as individuals are made easy in this way.

Heated up Vinyl

Owning a Cricut helps. Cricuts are used to cut vinyl of size 12’’ x 12’’ and putting it over the fabric or piece of cloth in order to design it works. Any customized design can be created in this way. It is great fun, to be honest. You can create anything you want. Just cut the vinyl, place it over the T-shirt or whatever you want, and use an iron over it, done!

Making Onesie Fusion Sheets

Babies pee well too often. So, you need a lot of new bed sheets and making onesie bed cover sheets during the baby shower is no wonder convivial. So, what we can do is that we can get the opposite sides of old sheets, cut them down in different pieces and shapes as we want, attach them over a new one color plain sheet with the help of sewing, and then dye them with the theme color. That will hopefully do the magic. And yes, remember, the bed sheet dye used should have made out of safe, high-quality chemical.

Leaving Instructions

Do not forget to leave instructions for the guests so that they know what to do and how to do, as per the plan only. What you can do is make small notes, write all the instructions in bullet points, and then stick them over one particular corner of the table, in such a way that the notes on each table catch people’s attention and they get to read everything and learn it all out. In that way, there will not be any mistake and zero disappointment.

Do not forget to get the Supplements

Make sure you have extra supplies of everything, otherwise things might turn disastrous and also embarrassing at the same time. The extra supplements might include a scissor, pens, pencils, erasers, color, marker, notebook, etc. I carried and set the table with a few extra supplies: scissors, pens/pencils, A4 size papers, a couple of irons, and a small ironing board.


The food served to the guests should also maintain the specific color and theme set or the party. And the menu might include items like cupcakes, chocolate boxes, confetti, ice-creams, etc. The dishes must resemble the color.
I will be extremely happy if the end result turns out to be a success only. I really anticipate the baby to end up with an enormous pile of clothes and gifts, which he or she hopes will be able to wear for a long time. The guests will be enjoying too as well as the pregnant mother.  I really hope the idea does not turn out to be a flop.
That was my idea of onesie decorating station of the baby shower. Yours might be a completely different one. It is all about making the mother and her baby feel special and safe. The task is no doubt a very big one, so hope you do not end up disappointing the new mum and dad. I hope all of you who are planning to organize a baby shower get help from my article. Happy Organizing!!!

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