Baby Shower Basic Etiquettes

Baby celebration or baby shower is one of the most congenial events ever organized by married couples. It should be celebrated with utmost love and warmth, and the organizer must keep this in mind that it is his or her responsibility to make the event as well as the event day as special as possible for both the would-be mother and her upcoming child.
History of Baby Shower
It has recently become well known after the World War II. This has initiated during the 1940 and 1950s while the baby boom was taking place. It has its own traditions, rules, and regulations of taking place and keeps on abiding by those.
General Things to Know About Baby Shower
However, you welcome your small-sized big blessing, there are few basic etiquettes to follow:
Who is The Host?
The pregnant mother apparently would be too not in the position to make an event for herself or for her child even if she is zealous to do so.
According to the tradition, a baby shower is usually organized by a cousin or a friend of any of the would-be parents or both, but that person must be someone distant and not close to them. Weird? Yeah! This particular rule has the meaning that the close and beloved family members are busy collecting gifts and presents for the child. But you all should be extremely glad that this tradition is quite not observed strictly anymore now in the modern times. But, a mother-to-be never really does that on her own. That is still a taboo.
Since it a very convivial event, to keep it such and such, here are few tips to follow to make the event successful:
Who are The Guests?

Nearest and dearest ones of the parents are the most apparent of guests. Apart from that, anyone else who appears has to bring the gift(s) for the guest of honor. So, I believe it is better if you can consult with your respective guest of honor to know whom she will love to invite for receiving gifts, of course!
Are Males Allowed?
There is no such rule as, “Men are not allowed!” It is completely up to you how you want the party to be. If you want it all girlish with too much gossiping and listening to other mothers’ experiences, then you might stop your husband, his friends, and other close male relatives from attending the party. But if you think their presence is cool, and it makes no differences, does not ruin your privacy, then you might all go on inviting them. It completely depends on you, and it is completely your own choice.
The Appropriate Time
Baby showers usually take place four to six weeks before the tentative delivery date given by the doctor. This is because, at that particular stage of pregnancy, the baby bump is quite clear and also that there is very little chance of delivery, even if we consider premature delivery of the baby.
Way of Invitation
This is an informal event, so no point sending out formal invitations. A phone call or a handwritten note will make your life easier and do the work.
Do You Need to Serve Food?
The baby shower is almost a party, except for the fact that it is a traditional event. It is completely your decision as to how to serve your guests and what to serve your guests. You can make up your mind and strictly stick to that, whether it might be serving simple refreshments such as coffee and cupcakes or you decide to serve an entire dinner table.
Is Baby Shower Required for the Second Child?
The sole purpose of throwing a baby shower is that to help new parents gather courage or to cheer them up and not to fear. So, there is no need for a proper traditional baby shower after the first time is gone. But, there is no big issue if it takes place for the second or third time a woman is pregnant, maybe just cheer up the again about-to-be parents by gifting them this time, what say?
The themes and decorations should all be based on the gender of the baby and also the favorite color of the mother or the guest of honor. There is no specific rules or regulations regarding this.
Is it considered necessary to register for gifts?
It is completely the host’s own decision. But registering for gifts shall save time.
Should guests get gifts?
Well, the guests should know it better! It is much more anticipated to receive gifts from the guests once the baby is born and they can present the gifts in persons to the honeycomb.
Is it mandatory?
Not at all! It is completely up to them whether they want to get gifts for the baby shower or not. If they want, they can send gifts once the baby is born.
Thank You Note from The Guest of Honor
The Thank You note must accompany a bouquet of flower, small token of gifts and a small box of chocolate or any kinds of sweets with it. It should be sent right after two to three weeks of the baby shower. This might only be interrupted by the delivery. In that case, one can easily delay!
Does the baby have to be present throughout the whole event?
In case the baby shower takes place after the delivery, No Way! If the showstopper needs a little nap break, he or she is completely bid to have that. Or if someone is hungry and badly in require of food, he or she is allowed to go for it too. Crying out or ending up yelling in the middle of the party could turn out to be an embarrassing moment for both the parents. And too many people in one room may disgust the baby too.
These are few of the most basic etiquettes that MUST be followed before, during and after the baby shower. I hope all the upcoming baby showers are as happening as they should be and all the deliveries go smooth, producing out all too beautiful and healthy children along with safe mothers. Till then, Happy Partying!!!

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