Newborn's 15 Problems and Solutions

Newborn infants are nothing less than blessings to the parents, especially the blood gushing mother. Babies are nothing else than blessings to the entire family and all they bring up is light to people’s heart. But these cuties have to be taken care of very well, especially right after their birth. I know it might be extremely difficult for the new mothers to do these, but what has to be done has to be done. There is no way as parents you can escape from your duties and responsibilities. Via this article today, I will be mentioning some common and regular problems faced by the infants and how to solve those down to make them have a comfortable beginning.
So, what are the basic problems that newborns usually face right after birth?
Newly born babies usually provide their mothers with a whole lot of anxiety and since they are so tiny in size, apparently, they are not blameworthy for that. But I believe there are enough reasons for getting worried. This is because the problems might be critical and babies are extremely gentle to handle those as infants have an underdeveloped immune system. It is an easy task for minor diseases to get them in a very hard way. This is why it is important for you to understand as a mother all those that can be unsuitable to your little sweetums.
Few common health issues are as follows:

1. Constipation:
Does your baby suffer a lot while egesting? Is it time-consuming? If it is, then your infant is apparently suffering from constipation! Constipation is never a problem of extreme concern, it might just be due to small uneasy feelings of your baby only, hence it requires no extra solution.

2. Diarrhea:
This is one of the most common issues faced by almost all the newbies.
Solution: Keeping your bonbon hydrated is what sorts out the matter in an easy manner.

3. Oral Thrush:
This is one sort of infection that attacks the newborns whenever yeast, one type of fungi, covers up the infant’s mouth.
Solution: Immediately consult a child specialist and go with the flow as he/she suggests.

4. Bluish Skin:
This might be a bit of a weird problem but baby skin sometimes turns somewhat like bluish. There is nothing to be much tensed about it. This sometimes takes place around their mouths and tongue due to crying consistently for a long time.
Solution: It actually repairs with time. If it does not do so, consult a child specialist, again!

5. Birth Injuries:
Painful labor might cause injuries to the one you did it all for. Though most of them recover from these very quickly, so there is nothing much to worry about this. Some of the common ones to suffer might include a broken collarbone, weakened muscle marked forceps, etc.
Solution: Of course, consult a doctor.

6. Stomach Swelling:
Newborns are naturally growing babies. Hence, most of them have their bellies growing, but if it turns out to be too hard, harder than it is supposed to be that you have to do something snooping. It is mostly caused due to a gas formation or constipation, but otherwise, the reason might cause something terrible.

7. Diseased Ear:
This is just another repeated remedy seeker. If you find your baby pulling the ears continuously, you might consider it as an ear infection.
Solution: Antibiotics prescribed by specialists.

8. Cold and Influenza:
As usual, there are few particular ones to go along with almost ninety-nine percent of the babies. These are extreme normal conditions and are completely innocuous and leaves without messing much with your babies’ health. What can turn dangerous is extreme cold turning into pneumonia.
Solution: Immediately consult a doctor.

9. Skin Irritations:
Needless to say, that infants possess extreme sensitive skin. It is extremely normed for them to experience sudden irritations. Some of them are as follows:

A. Diaper Rash:
Babies need diapers, of course, they do. And wearing diapers for too long gets them to have rashes, which is painful and cause irritation.
Solution: In order to avoid diaper rash, what you can do is,
•    Frequently change your kiddos diaper.
•    Dab diaper rash cream over the infected surface.
•    Do not forget to use fragrance and chemical free detergent if you are using a cloth diaper.

B. Cradle Cap:
This is again another common skin issue faced by kids. Must try to avoid this are as follows:
•    Wash your baby’s hair every day.
•    Do not use a strong shampoo.

10. Breathing Botheration:
Coming out of labor does not bid you breathe properly right away after delivery. It might get normal after a few hours though. Breathing botheration to them might take place due to several issues including blockage of nasal passageway, fast breathing, swelling of the nose, groaning while breathing, skin turning bluish.
Solution: Use saline drops to clear it away in cases of a blocked nasal passageway, otherwise immediately consult a doctor.

11. Jaundice:
This is an extremely common problem. Having immature livers causes infants to have high bilirubin level which causes jaundice and it heals down with time. But it still might reach a fatal level at times.
Solution: Visit a doctor.

12. Coughing:
Coughing while drinking is too obvious for a baby as whatever the child is drinking can reach his/her way too fast. But if the coughing seems continuous and/or if he/she frequently chokes while drinking, that might be an issue. The issue might somehow relate the lungs or the digestive system.
Solution: Visit a doctor.

13. Indigestion:
If your child is crying spontaneously and you are failing to figure out the reason? That’s indigestion! They have naturally swelled up babies.
Solution: Avoid use baby formula, particularly ones that your baby is allergic to.

14. Fever:
This, of course, happens to everyone and Is never a big problem. This takes place only when your baby’s body is getting rid of an infection. This does not even require the assistance of medicine when the body temperature is just a little higher than the usual one.
Solution: Check a doctor if the fever is high, as it might have some other reason rather than just being a simple flu.

15. Vomiting:
Infants vomit every now and then, especially after drinking milk. But it is too many times and too often is not okay. In order to lessen the number, you should check whether your baby is allergic to his/her food and also whether he/she is lactose intolerant. Letting them burp is also very important to prevent spit ups.
Solution: Vomiting too much and not gaining weight is not a good tendency. Medical treatment is definitely required in this case. The color of the vomit should also be observed and if that turns out to be greenish, it might be an infection, which requires doctor suggested treatments. Digestive issues possibly lead to vomiting.
These were some of the basic health issues that infants face. But there is nothing to worry much about anything, and if you are actually worried about anything, you can always rush to your nearest pediatrician or child specialists. Try to witness the growing period of your honeycomb as life is too short for worrying and wasting time. Live healthily, stay safe!

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